A phishing mail faking to be from Paypal in French: Activité de connexion inhabituelle! Nous avons trouvé une connexion inhabituelle avec le compte PayPal sur une connexion récente, une étape de sécurité supplémentaire est requise. Veuillez suivre les étapes pour retrouver un plein accès a votre compte.
Your Netflix Membership Has Been Suspended
Your Netflix Membership Has Been Suspended! We recently failed to validate your payment information we hold on record for your account, therefore we need to ask you to complete a brief validation process in order to verify your billing and payment details. Failure to complete the validation process will result in cancellation of your netflix membership.
Claim Your Car And Check With Your Winning Code BMW
Dear Winner, This is to inform you that you have been selected for a prize of a brand new 2016/2017 Model BMW X5 SUV and a Check of $1,500,000.00 USD from the international balloting programs held on the 2nd section in the UNITED STATE OF AMERICA.
IMF about your US$15.75m Compensation/Inheritance fund
Your part payment Compensation/Inheritance fund is US$15.750,000,00. Having received these vital payment numbers, therefore you are qualified now to receive and confirm your payment with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Through the Power of (FBI) You will Receive Your Funds within the next 168hrs.
Enigeer Henry Noah about repatriating a $7.2m USD fund
I am Enigeer Henry Noah, a personal contractor to late Mr. Adolf , a German who died in a tragic motor accident. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the fund valued at ($7,200,000.00) Seven Million Two Hundred Thousand United States Dollars, left behind by my client before it gets confiscated or declared unserviceable by the Bank where this huge amount was deposited.
Certified Public Accountant officer Michael A. Jones
I am a Certified Public Accountant officer in my Bank (ORIGIN BANK) so also account manager to a deceased customer who was a contractor with a prominent oil company here in Louisiana. I have contacted you to assist in repatriating the money left behind by this deceased customer before they get Confiscated by the bank where this Huge deposits of US$10M was lodged.
Dutch phishing mail: ICS – Uw account is tijdelijk opgeschort
A phishing email in Dutch pretends to be sended by the International Card Services: Helaas moeten we u meedelen dat uw account tijdelijk is opgeschort. De opschorting is een tijdelijke maatregel die we nemen om zowel onze klant als de verkoper tegen fraude te beschermen. Dit is bedoeld om iedereen veilig te houden, totdat we het probleem met onze klant kunnen oplossen. Om het probleem op te lossen en toegang tot uw account te krijgen klik a.u.b. hier.
One million British Pound in the Happy Home Lottery International
We happily announce to you the draw of the Happy Home Lottery International programs, organized by the British National Lottery, held on the April 1st 2018 in West Midlands, England. Your e-mail address won you the lottery in the category (A). You are therefore been approved the total sum of One million British Pound in cash!
Donation scam in Dutch: Donatie van loterij winnares Mavis Wanczyk
Lottery winnar donation scam in Dutch: Hallo je hebt een liefdadigheidsinstelling donatie van 5.800.000,00 EUR, ik won de Amerika loterij in Amerika ter waarde van $758.700.000 en ik doneer een deel van het aan vijf gelukkige mensen en liefdadigheid huizen in het geheugen van mijn overleden man die op kanker is overleden.
Winnaar van een gloednieuwe 2018 Model BMW 7 of $1.5m
Another Lottery scam, this time (machine) translated into Dutch: Dit is om te informeren dat je bent geselecteerd voor een prijs van a gloednieuw 2018 Model BMW 7 Serie Auto en een Check of $ 1.500.000,00 USD van de internationale stembiljetten gehouden het 2e deel in de VERENIGDE STAAT VAN AMERIKA.