I, Richard Green, represent an investor seeking to invest in any lucrative investment in your country. If you have a solid background and idea of making good profit in any business, please write me for possible business co-operation.
Profitable farmer animal vaccine contract
Please i am contacting you to request your collaboration to enable us executes a very lucrative and highly profitable contract supply of animal vaccine product, this contract supply shall profit us enormously, it require we furnish yearly huge quantity of animal vaccine to a wealthy client who has a very large agricultural business also in cattle farming here in this part.
Perm. Sec. Fed. Min of Finance Mrs. Anastasia M. Daniel-Nwaobia
I am writing to inform you on the situation of things concerning your overdue payment that has stayed here for so long. I am here to make sure you get back this awaited payment into your account. All you need to do is follow my advise and allow me handle the rest from here.
Special Agent Michael Foster of the Interpol
This is Special Agent Michael Foster of the Interpol. How are you doing today and hope this memo meets you in good state. I have a good news for you regarding your lost funds with the African government. Me and my team have been down here in Nigeria West Africa since 3 months conducting investigations on seized funds belonging to Foreign Individuals, Companies, etc.
Payment of $10,750,000 approved to be released to you
Your long overdue outstanding entitlement has received the attention of the Office of the Presidency on Foreign Financial Matters. Following the Meeting held recently with the Monetary Policy Regulatory Committee, the Federal Executive council and the Office of the Presidency on Foreign Financial Matters and the World Bank. A payment of $10,750,000.00 which is a part payment have been approved to be released to you.
DHL Package Delivery Notification
We attempted to deliver your item at 10:10 AM on November 15th, 2017. The delivery attempt failed because nobody was present at the shipping address, so this notify has been automatically sent. If the parcel is not scheduled for re-delivery or picked up within 72 hours, it will be returned to the sender.
The UN and Zenith bank about your $4.5m ATM Card
Collect your ATM CARD worth US$4,500,000 payment. Just concluded investigations today by the FBI in conjunction with the E.F.C.C, has revealed that your email is among the list of people who have never received any of their payments among lottery, inheritance, compensation and awarded contract funds and victims who have lost a lot of money to scammers while trying to claim their funds.
Millions of USD in Unclaimed Consignments/Boxes
My name is Mr. Cliff Martins, a Vault Manager with a Private Security Firm in Ghana. There is this UNCLAIMED Consignments/Boxes Deposited in our Company’s Vault for the past 15 years ago, and nobody has ever shown up for the claims and collection till date. I discovered their contents to be fiscal cash running into Millions of United States of American Dollars in $100 dollars bills/notes. I contacted you believing that you could be of a great assistance and help me to legally secure and claim these Trunk Boxes.
The IMF about your $3.5m outstanding payment
Richardson Marks-White and Mrs Lissy Jones claimed to be your representative, and the power of attorney stated that you are dead, they brought an account to replace your information in other to
claim the said fund in tune of $3.5 Million USD part payment for your awaiting fund which is now lying DORMANT and UNCLAIMED.
Cash Prize from the Western Canada Lottery Corporation
Your eMail has been selected for a prize revert for detail information which entails official transcripts towards procurement process for remittance. In Services, Western Canada Lottery Corporation.