I am Raj Rani a banker with HDFC BANK here in India. I have an interesting business proposal for you that will be of immense benefit to both of us. Although this may be hard for you to believe, we stand to gain 7.2 million USD between us in a matter of days. Please grant me the benefit of doubt and hear me out. I need you to signify your interest by replying to this email.
Mr. Chea San from the Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia wants your assistance
Obviously this message might come as a surprise to you, but please consider it as a high priority issue, which will definitely change our destiny for good, Am Mr. Chea San, a personal Accountant/Executive Board of Directors Working with Foreign Trade Bank of Cambodia (FTB). I want to present you as a beneficiary, I will use my position and influence in our bank to make they release this money to you for us to share. If i wait for days and i do not hear from you, I shall look for another person.
JP Morgan Chase Bank about your US$39.6M inheritance
I hereby to inform you this day that your inheritance sum calculated US$39.6M shall be paid to you either via ATM CARD or Wire Transfer due to rules/regulation guiding Bank Secrecy Act(BSA). Be aware that all necessary modalities concerning the release of your fund have regularized, so all we require from is your honest concentration to make this transfer happen within 72hrs.
You’ve won One Million Pounds in the Davies Family Charitable Trust
One Million Pounds was awarded to you, After scooping £61million – in one of Britain’s biggest Lotto Euro Millions. My family and i decided to set up a foundation aimed at providing financial aids and assistance to reputable individuals around the world. Kindly forward your Full name, age, Tel.No, Address.
You’re on the United Nations compensation plan (UNCC) list
This is to notify you that you are among those selected to benefit from the third phase of the payments mechanism, which commenced in October 2000, each successful claimant in categories “D”, and “E” and will received an initial amount in accordance with decision 100 of the Governing Council of the UNCC. You are to receive your fund as your name falls under this categories “D” and “E”. You are to get back urgently for the claim of your compensation fund ,to receive it please send info.
Your expense payment of $1.5M from Lagos State, Nigeria
Your name has been found in the Central Computer among the list of unpaid foreign recipients.Thereby the government has directed an initial expense payment of $650,000.00 to 16 recipients and you are among those recipients to receive the expense payment of $1.5M. Failure to indicate a receipt of this email within 72hrs will be perceived as non acceptance of the offer and will result in your name been omitted from the list and your payments issued to another recipient. You are to communicate with Mrs. Jessica Tony through email.
You have 48hrs left to contact IMF Nigeria
I am Mr. Amine Mati Mission Chief/Senior Representative of IMF Nigeria. There is a counter claim on your approved fund by one MR.JOHN WHEELER, who is presently trying to make us believe that you are dead by cancer and even explained that you gave him the power of attorney and authorized him to claim your outstanding payment from Federal Government of Nigeria. Please note that you have less than 48hrs to get in contact with us if you are still alive.
World Bank Auditors about your $5.5 million payment
The World Bank auditors in Ghana have deliberated on your inheritance/contract payment with government of Ghana in collaboration with International Monetary Policy office of the Ghana Presidency and resolved that all fund approved in your name should be released to you without any delay through upon the immediate successful appraisal and authorization by the World Bank auditors and the Ghana Presidency. Be informed accordingly that an amount of US$5.5 million has be approved for payment to you.
United Bank for Africa has to pay you $1.5M
My Name is Kenneth Nwafor the director cash processing unit, united bank for Africa [UBA}. The international monetary fund (I.M.F.) in conjunction with Organization of African Unity (O.A.U) has directed us to pay you One million five hundred thousand united state dollars ($1.500, 000.00/-USD)in cash through means of diplomatic courier service hand delivery.
The First National Bank of South Africa about your $1.5M USD
I am Richard Nkosi, director cash processing unit, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA [FNB] the only bank appointed by the IMF/A.U. Members lead by President Robert Mugabe. Your total fund will be One million four hundred and ninety seven thousand united state dollars ($1.497,000.00). Therefore, do forward your full details.